
Kevin Levrone Maryland Muscle Machine Signature Series


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LEVRONE GOLD MARYLAND MUSCLE MACHINE pre-training supplement is a carefully prepared composition of a number of valuable active ingredients, which was created especially for recreational exercisers and professional athletes, especially fans of strength and endurance disciplines. The supplement’s formula contains 6 valuable components (AAKG, beta-alanine, betaine, citrulline malate and caffeine) selected in the right proportions and obtained from high-class, tested raw materials. The product allows you to prepare a refreshing pre-workout drink that contains no sugar and will be useful during strenuous workout sessions. The supplement is recommended for men and women who love intensive exercise and are looking for uncompromising support in the fight against increasing levels of fatigue.

What are the benefits of the LEVRONE GOLD MARYLAND MUSCLE MACHINE dietary supplement?

  • AAKG and citrulline malate are popular NO boosters, and their supplementation combined with diet and physical activity may prove valuable in increasing the flow of oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood to muscles, which may improve exercise capacity, body composition and trigger the ‘muscle pump’ effect[1-5]
  • Beta-alanine supplementation contributes to enhanced productivity and increased levels of carnosine in muscles (e.g. ensuring appropriate muscle pH value during physical activity), and may also affect training adaptation and some exercise capacity[6-10]
  • According to some studies, betaine supplementation may have a role in improving exercise performance[11-13]
  • Caffeine may prove to be a valuable component of athletic supplementation by affecting total energy levels, cognitive function, reaction time and some exercise capacity[6,14,15]


  1. Buckinx, F., et al. “High intensity interval training combined with L-citrulline supplementation: Effects on physical performance in healthy older adults.” Experimental gerontology (2020): 111036.
  2. Suzuki, Takashi, et al. “Oral L-citrulline supplementation enhances cycling time trial performance in healthy trained men: Double-blind randomized placebo-controlled 2-way crossover study.” Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 13.1 (2016): 1-8.
  3. Campbell, Bill, et al. “Pharmacokinetics, safety, and effects on exercise performance of L-arginine α-ketoglutarate in trained adult men.” Nutrition 22.9 (2006): 872-881.
  4. Khalaf, David, et al. “The effects of oral L-arginine and L-citrulline supplementation on blood pressure.” Nutrients 11.7 (2019): 1679.
  5. Pahlavani, N., et al. “The effect of l-arginine supplementation on body composition and performance in male athletes: a double-blinded randomized clinical trial.” European journal of clinical nutrition 71.4 (2017): 544-548.
  6. Kerksick, Chad M., et al. “ISSN exercise & sports nutrition review update: research & recommendations.” Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 15.1 (2018): 1-57.
  7. Trexler, Eric T., et al. “International society of sports nutrition position stand: Beta-Alanine.” Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 12.1 (2015): 1-14.
  8. Sale, Craig, Bryan Saunders, and Roger C. Harris. “Effect of beta-alanine supplementation on muscle carnosine concentrations and exercise performance.” Amino acids 39.2 (2010): 321-333.
  9. Smith, Abbie E., et al. “Effects of β-alanine supplementation and high-intensity interval training on endurance performance and body composition in men; a double-blind trial.” Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 6.1 (2009): 1-9.
  10. Van Thienen, Ruud, et al. “Beta-alanine improves sprint performance in endurance cycling.” Medicine and science in sports and exercise 41.4 (2009): 898-903.
  11. Pryor, J. Luke, Stuart AS Craig, and Thomas Swensen. “Effect of betaine supplementation on cycling sprint performance.” Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 9.1 (2012): 1-7.
  12. Hoffman, Jay R., et al. “Effect of 15 days of betaine ingestion on concentric and eccentric force outputs during isokinetic exercise.”The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research 25.8 (2011): 2235-2241.
  13. Lee, Elaine C., et al. “Ergogenic effects of betaine supplementation on strength and power performance.” Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 7.1 (2010): 1-7.
  14. Wiles, Jonathan D., et al. “The effects of caffeine ingestion on performance time, speed and power during a laboratory-based 1 km cycling time-trial.” Journal of sports sciences 24.11 (2006): 1165-1171.
  15. Grgic, Jozo, et al. “Effects of caffeine intake on muscle strength and power: a systematic review and meta-analysis.” Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition 15.1 (2018): 1-10.
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